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2. New user: the complete guide

Steps to follow when a new user arrives.

Has a new member joined your team and you've just purchased an additional license? Here are all the steps you need to take to get them up and running with SOLIDWORKS. 

 1. Activate my licence

That's it, you've signed up, and there's just one thing you're waiting for: to use your new license!

For SOLIDWORKS, there's nothing to do. You'll simply receive an e-mail from Dassault and your CSM confirming that your licenses are active.

2. Invite a new user

First of all, you should know that :

  • When you assign a role/license to someone and that person uses it, that role is locked for that user for 30 days.
  • You need one 3DSwymer role per user (otherwise you won't be able to invite other members).For more details: How to invite members and assign licenses
  • Only an administrator can invite other members.

To invite the new user, go to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and access your "Platform Management" dashboard. In the "Members" tab, click on "Invite members".


Fill in the user's e-mail address, select whether he/she will be a member or administrator of the platform (or external for people outside your company). Then click on "Next".

3. Grant licenses

On the next screen, you can assign licenses.

The 3DSwymer role is required to access the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
You can then select the licenses you wish to add, such as SOLIDWORKS.
By default, if you assign a CAD license, the Collaborative Industry Innovator role will also be assigned. Among other things, it is used to manage files on the platform.

Once you have selected the appropriate licenses, click "Next" and then "Invite".

The user will receive an invitation e-mail, and will be asked to create a 3DEXPERIENCE account if they don't already have one.

4. Managing access to your files

To give your user access to your files, you now need to add him/her to one of your collaborative spaces. By default, the only one you'll have is called common space.

Open the 3DSpace application from the compass.

Select the space of your choice, then click on the arrow to add a member. 

Note: Each newly added user is assigned a role which determines his or her access rights to the collaborative workspace: adding new files, modifying existing files or viewing only. There are different types of role:

  • Contributor: gives read-only access to files
  • Author: allows users to modify their own files; cannot distribute or delete other collaborators' content
  • Responsible: allows a user to distribute content
  • Owner: allows a user to administer the collaborative space, including adding or deleting users.

5. Share your bookmarks/folders

Finally, to give users access to your folders/bookmarks, you'll need to share them. Simply right-click on a bookmark and click on share.
Choose the level of authorization you want and click on "share" to give access to the folder.

For more details on the possibilities offered by bookmarks, see our article : 

Create Folders and Control Access Rights in 3DEXPERIENCE

Bonus. Share your company dashboard.

Have you created a customized dashboard for your company and would like to share it with your new member? 

Simply go to the dashboard tab and click on the little arrow to the right of the dashboard you wish to share. Then select "share" and enter the new user's e-mail address. 


It is essential to take the right steps when a new member is added to the platform. This will ensure a smooth introduction to SOLIDWORKS and 3DEXPERIENCE.

For more information, contact us at support@xdinnovation.eu