3. CSWP - Professional

CSWP certification certifies competence with complex functions in SOLIDWORKS software. A great addition to your resume!

Recommended trainings

How do I sign up?
Send an e-mail to support@xdinnovation.eu and we'll take care of you! :)

About the exam

The exam may include practical exercises in some of the following areas:

Part 1: (70 minutes - 75 points to pass/105 points maximum)

  • Creating a part from a drawing
  • Use of linked dimensions and equations to facilitate modeling
  • Use equations to establish relationships between dimensions
  • Update parameters and dimensions
  • Mass property analysis
  • Modify the geometry of an initial part to create a more complex part
  • Modify the parameters of a part at different stages, while maintaining all dimensions and design intent.
Part 2: (50 minutes - 77 points to pass/104 points maximum)
  • Create configurations from other configurations
  • Modify configurations
  • Creating configurations using a family of parts
  • Mass properties
  • Modifying and/or rearranging the characteristics of an existing SOLIDWORKS part

Part 3: (80 minutes - 77 points to pass/109 points maximum)

  • Creating an assembly
  • Adding parts to an assembly
  • Collision detection when moving a part in an assembly
  • Interference detection
  • Basic and advanced constraints
  • Inserting sub-assemblies
  • Replacing one part with another in an assembly
  • Creating a coordinate system
  • Using a coordinate system to analyze mass properties


The standard SOLIDWORKS tools that can be used during the examination are... Almost everything, in fact!

In case you fail

Don't panic, it happens. What's more, it's not your fault - we know SOLIDWORKS crashed.

You'll be able to take it again in 14 days, so get back to practicing in the meantime. You'll need a new code for the exam.