2. CSWA - Certified level Associate

CSWA certification is proof of your mastery of SOLIDWORKS®: cutting-edge skills that are highly appreciated and valued by companies.

Recommended trainings

How do I sign up?
Send an e-mail to support@xdinnovation.eu and we'll take care of you! :)

Exam duration

3 hours

Minimum score


About the exam

All participants receive electronic certificates and individual listing in the CSWA* directory on successful completion.

The exam may include practical exercises in some of the following areas:

  • Sketch entities (lines, rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses, construction lines)
  • Sketching tools (offset, conversion, adjustment)
  • Sketch relationships
  • Embossing and material removal functions (extrusions, revolutions, sweeps, smoothing)
  • Fillets and chamfers
  • Linear, circular and zone repeats
  • Dimensions
  • Function conditions (start and end)
  • Mass properties
  • Materials
  • Component insertion
  • Standard constraints (coincident, parallel, perpendicular, tangent, concentric, distance,
  • angle)
  • Reference geometry (planes, axes, constraint references)
  • Drawing views
  • Annotations

In case you fail

Don't panic, it happens. What's more, it's not your fault - we know SOLIDWORKS crashed during the exam... ;)

You'll be able to take it again in 14 days, so get back to practicing in the meantime. You'll need a new code for the exam.