1. Access to SOLIDWORKS certifications

How to get access to you certification coupons and pass the exam !

You got really good at SOLIDWORKS ? The next step is to get certified to let the world know that you are the real deal. In this article we will go through all the steps required to get certified. 

If you or your company owns a SOLIDWORKS licence you will have access to 3 vouchers every semester for free ! They will allow you to pass the certification of your choices with the most notable ones being the CSWA and the CSWP.


To access the certifications you need to have :

  • A 3DEXPERIENCE Certification Account(please create one here if you don’t).
  • A 3DEXPERIENCE ID (please create one following these instructions if you don’t).

How to obtain the vouchers :

1. Once you have the prerequisites taken care of, login to your Certification Center account here

2. In the Certification Center, click on "Your Credits" tab > "Subscription Offer" tab > "Lookup My Licenses".

3. Authenticate with your 3DEXPERIENCE ID when prompted. You will be redirected back to the Certification Center.

  • Please note that your 3DEXPERIENCE Certification Account and your 3DEXPERIENCE ID do not have to use the same email address as they are two different systems.

4. Click "OK" on the confirmation message and select the certification exams you would like to redeem and then click "Create Exam Vouchers". 

5. Now you need to download the exam software :



You are all set !

Before taking the exam make sure you have seen all the training videos and taken the mock exam beforehand. Sleep well, stay hydrated and stay away from distractions during the exam and you will crush it !

Do you need any help? Just get in touch!