2. Part numbering with 3DEXPERIENCE

Codification allows files to be assigned unique codes. Find out how in this article.


Part numbering can be useful for both small and large companies, and is usually done with the attribute called "Enterprise Element Number" (EIN) in 3DEXPERIENCE.

Definition: the EIN is a unique identification code assigned to an item within a company. It offers several advantages:

  • Traceability
  • Stock management
  • Automatisation
  • ...

Please note: you cannot code a drawing. Instead, the part code appears in the drawing title block.

Step 1: displaying the EIN

By default, the EIN is not displayed on either SOLIDWORKS or the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. This first step consists in activating its display.


Open SOLIDWORKS. In the 3DEXPERIENCE pane, click on "Customize view".

1-Jan-22-2024-03-03-14-5732-PMSelect the EIN. An EIN column will appear. 


Note: the EIN column is currently empty. It will be customized in the following steps.


Go to the platform, Bookmark Editor application and open the tree view options. 


Click on parameters, and select the EIN in the attribute search.


5-Jan-22-2024-03-18-47-0844-PMIn the same way as in SOLIDWORKS, you'll see an empty EIN column appear in your Bookmarks. 

Step 2: EIN configuration

Now that the columns are displayed and ready to be completed, you can customize the content of your EIN.

As usual, let's go to "Platform Management" and go to "Engineering Definition".


1. Uniqueness of the EIN

We recommend setting parameters so that 2 identical codes are not possible. We want each code to be unique.

To do this, select "Admin configuration" and check that the "Enable uniqueness" box is ticked.


Note: with this option, the system automatically checks that the EIN code for each component is unique.

2. Customize your EIN

a. Manual input

By default, the EIN is just a text field you can fill in.

If your company needs flexibility in its coding, this may suffice. However, we recommend setting up a formula.


b. Formula

If you want code to call up several properties from your file (i.e. concatenate properties), you need to define a formula for your EIN.

Now go to "Formula configuration". This is where you choose what your EIN will be made of.


The "formula" gives an idea of what your EIN will look like. 

You can add different fields by clicking on "+".


  • Prerequisite: if you wish to use SOLIDWORKS or 3DEXPERIENCE properties in your EIN, you must have declared and mapped them beforehand.


EIN example:
If we want an EIN for a file whose case number is XDI24 and its family is Hardware (QC), here's the formula to declare:

Case number - Family - Counter

i.e: XDI24-QC-0015


Step 3: Assign the EIN to your files


In the 3DEXPERIENCE tab on the right of the screen, called MySession, select the components to be coded: 


This can only be done with the BOM management application, "Engineering Release" (XEN-OC):


Just right-click :)


Step 4: Display in BOMs

The EIN is a property like any other, so you can include it in your SOLIDWORKS, CATIA or 3DEXPERIENCE BOMs...