1. Importing a Materials Library

Find out how to import material libraries into CATIA.

Step 1: Requirements and checks

First of all, check that the R2022x version (or higher) of 3DEXPERIENCE is the version currently installed on your machine.

a. Checking for the presence of materials

Let's also check whether or not materials are already present in your Cloud. Click on "My Content" as follows:

In the 6W Tags window, filter with "Core Material". View your results on the right.

Tip: If the 6WTag menu is not visible, simply click on the label to the right of the search bar.

Please note: If, after this final check, you have no materials available, you will need to import them.

b. Installing optional content

At this stage, another prerequisite is essential: on the platform, always by clicking on the arrow to the right of your simulation icons, check that the optional content has been installed. If the words "Install Optional Content Now" appear, proceed with the installation of this add-on.

Please note: You will need to do this on one of the icons corresponding to your structural simulation role, such as the Structural Performance Engineer role, but also on any other icon serving other simulation roles, such as the FMK (Fluid Dynamics Engineer) role or plastic injection moulding, for example.

Step 2: Defining the path to the predefined materials files

Once the optional content has been installed, we can go and retrieve the files containing the predefined materials database.

Look under :

C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B424_Cloud_Content\win_b64\resources\materials

Note: These files will have the extension ".3dxml".

Step 3: Importing predefined material bases

Let's now look at how to import them.

First of all, you need to start up a local Apps application, such as Collaborative Lifecycle or Linear structural validation.  

Then choose which Collaborative Space you want to import the data into.

Click the + button in the top right-hand corner, then click Import. Select the directory where the .3dxml file is located, then choose the file to import. Delete the prefix if you don't want to and click OK to finish.

The import is executed and a confirmation with the number of items imported is displayed:

You can now use material libraries in CATIA!