Complete view of the electrical process from 2D schematic to 3D design and manufacturing drawings


First and foremost, it is important that you install the software.

If you havenโ€™t done so already, I invite you to follow this link before continuing: Install Electrical 2D and 3D


The process presented here involves the use of several applications.

  • Systems Schematic Engineer (TIC-OC): Steps 00, 01, and 03
  • Electrical 3D Systems Designer (ELG-OC): Steps 02, 03, and 04
  • Electrical 3D & Manufacturing Engineer (ELM-OC): Steps 05 and 06

Electrical Process EN H6


Here is a summary of each step and the link to the full article that corresponds to it.

Step 00: Configuration

In order to start using the software smoothly, it is necessary to adjust a number of parameters.

These allow you to manage:

  • Display
  • Handling
  • Resources used
  • โ€ฆ

The goal is to make it easier for you to get started. You can then customize them to your liking once you have a good grasp of the software.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 00: Configuration

Step 01: 2D Schematic

This step will allow you to create your 2D electrical diagrams.

You can position equipment, connectors, splices, etc. Then generate the cables and wires that connect them. You can then verify that the connections are properly made between these different components with control tools.

You will also be able to define your own custom symbol libraries to best match your sector and usage.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 01: 2D Schematic

Step 02: 3D Preparation

The software allows you to associate a 2D component with its 3D design. It is then possible to have a synchronization of the electrical properties between 2D and 3D.

To ensure that this synchronization can be done correctly, the 3D components must be electrified. Electrical properties and connection points are added to a 3D component so that the software can automatically reconnect all the elements based on the 2D schematic.

This step will teach you how to electrify your components yourself to prepare for synchronization.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 02: 3D Preparation

Step 03: Synchronization 1

The Logical To Physical (L2P) command synchronizes the logical and physical parts of a system, here a 2D schematic and the associated 3D design.

To use it, the 2D schematic and 3D design must be ready. If this is not the case, I invite you to go back to Steps 01 and 02, which are essential.

Now that everything is ready, I invite you to follow the link to the detailed article to learn more about 2D/3D synchronization.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 03: Synchronization 1 (โ€œLogical to Physicalโ€ or โ€œL2Pโ€)

Step 04: 3D Design

Now that our 2D schematic and its associated 3D design are well synchronized, itโ€™s time to model the complete harness in 3D. This modeling allows you to define the bulk of the branches, the radii of curvature, the position of the supports, etc.

The initial plot is proposed by the software following the L2P command. You just have to choose the specific passage points for your design.

You will find all the information related to this part in the dedicated article.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 04: 3D Design

Step 05: Synchronization 2 (3D to Manufacturing Plan)

Once the 3D harness is well defined, we will seek to produce the Manufacturing plans and technical documentation necessary for production.

The goal here is to retrieve all the information necessary for production (cable lengths, type of wire/cable, electrical information, etc.) and to ensure that the link is properly made with the 3D.

As with the L2P command, we will also make sure that the plans and documentation are automatically updated if a modification is made upstream.

It is also possible to simulate the assembly on a table to predict the space requirements and necessary tools.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 05: Synchronization 2 (3D to Manufacturing Plan)

Step 06: Manufacturing

This step is a continuation of the previous one. Once the information is well synchronized, technical documentation that complies with the standards and constraints of your industry is generated.

To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to go through a configuration and administration step.

Link to the associated article: ELECTRICAL - Step 06: Manufacturing