1. Knowledge Base XDI Europe
  3. πŸ“‚ Exporting automatically your data

3. Local export : STEP, PDF and DXF derived format

You've finished your project and want to convert your parts to STEP and your drawings to PDF / DXF? SolidWorks Connected offers you the possibility to do it for you with the "Task Scheduler"


When you have a substantial assembly, exporting your files becomes a time-consuming and repetitive task.

The Task Scheduler is a time-saving tool that lets you plan the conversion of files stored on your PC.

You can also use the scheduler to convert files stored on 3DEXPERIENCE, although the method is slightly different. To convert with 3DEXPERIENCE, follow this article instead.

How do you plan your file conversion?

1. Access the Task Scheduler

  • Click on Tools > SOLIDWORKS Applications > SOLIDWORKS Task Scheduler

2.  Schedule a task

  • Choose "Export files" from the left-hand menu

In the window that opens :

  • Indicate the desired format for the export file type
  • Choose the location of the folder containing your parts to be converted by clicking on "Add folder", and include sub-folders if required.
  • In the "File name or type" box, select the type of format to be converted: .prt/.sldprt part, .asm/.sldasm assembly or drw/slddrw drawing.
  • Optional: enter the time at which you wish to run the task in "Task scheduling".

Tip: You can schedule this task during your off-peak hours.

  • Choose the location of the converted files in "Job output folder", you can select the same folder as the original or specify another location.

Warning: if you get the warning message "The required files are not in the folder", check that the file type corresponds to the extension of the files you wish to convert.

  • Click on "Finish"
  • A line corresponding to the task created appears in the task scheduler

3. Managing tasks

In the task scheduler, you can view all your tasks and filter them by date.

To view their status, remember to refresh.

4.  Your files have been created and are located where you specified!

All you have to do is send them to your customer/subcontractor.

So, how much time do you think we've saved you with this tool?


The Task Scheduler helps you increase efficiency by doing simple, repetitive tasks like file conversion for you.

It can also be used to schedule many other tasks, such as updating drawings, converting SOLIDWORKS files from previous versions or printing drawings. Dedicated articles on these subjects are planned in the near future.


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